Monday, December 29, 2008

Natural ASS Selection

Some times what starts from upper parts (LIPS KISSING) end to lower (ASS KISSING) ...since you tast the lower part its wont be so easy or propert to back to upper side again.

Here is some case study about middle east bigest ass kissers.

1-Hosny Mubarak is so adicted to Benjamin Franklin Ass thats why he have no proplem to sell his sole for 300 milions Benjie fragrance every year.

2-Haniyeh chose most flamable assess like Hassan Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad,and a little bit of hosny mubaraks (only if emergincey).

3-Cozens or jewish since Herodot they like foren big pink asses (maybe thats whats hold them aginst Mr Obama latly ) .

When we anlyse the kissers and remove all the useless asses we will get the folloing resolt :

Mubarak kiss ass of USA

Olmert kiss ass of USA

Haniyeh kiss ass of Mubarak (and thats mean kiss ass of USA ass kisser which gives the same resolt)

Mubarak olmert got the life instinct which guide them naturaly to the right ass, Haniyeh think his kissing a difrent ass by kissingMubaraks ass which is not trow.

The conclusion:Haniyeh failed in natural ass selection while both other passed.

Im asking the arab summit to be the light to lead mr Haniyeh to the path of correct ass .....the new world choclate ass.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Messages

Pope Pinokio VHS : wish peace for Middle East and ask fags to fuck off.

Thats was the most rediculas shit i ever hear wish peace for mideast and forgot whos start what they call it (campgains) in the name of christ who never allow any of his folowers to rase a sward !! , then ask for stability in Africa and he forget how his people negotiate if nude people are humans (to allow cucasian to kill them becuose if they arn't human then they do not have sol !!) and consider other blacks as damn (ofcourse they cut the script of the uncocusian bible edition) , and after all he relase his full of darkness heart to condemne transsexuals .. (did u forget what jeusess tell you about hate , or you just got a moslim heart but as all of your frinds Martin Luther, Charles Taz Russell and Jouchim Flora just dont like to admit it.... any how we not expect verry much sain of man belave that god tell him not to get laied since world war II ) ...

Joel Osteen : money is good for breast !!

Are those a christians !! , scince when christian care about money ? (jewsh moslims do but not a cristo saints !!), and did you forgot that you claim that profet jesuse say (rich can pass to havens when camel pass throw niddle whall !!) or did you just scratch this script from your piple too (ugually east asian piples are the cleanest i notce that you even delate every thing show afensive aginst women) ... dont you think you people when you do that and modfi your holly book that u just prove and done what profet mohamed told you 1400 years ago (about your modfied book )!! think again or just ask your host cozen Larry Kking).

Tzipi Livni : enough is enough

I totally agree with that but as James Gandolfini sayed in (the mexican) .. its never enough is enough between lovers or in your case cozens.

By the way you are not less attractive than the sweet Julia Roberts, and im expecting you to be much smarter than her, so please try your best for the rigon goodness.

With my best wishess.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

God is middle eastern santa is caucasian !!!

There is a story about the profit that he sow a lady call her infent son while she close her fest saying (come and get it) .

Then the provet speeks to the lady and tell her not to lye to the child but she say "i relly got a date in my hand"

The western people when they kidnapt and adopt our child (christianity) they do every what its takes to bring more numbers to the religon and forgetin about qualitey.

They throw the 10 rules of god out becouse they think if they make statues and icons thats make people understand better and afterall they make statues for saint mary and jeusess and they pray down to statue.

now they told there children thats santa is real ! and as well the cheldren will pass the lye when they growup to there ... all thats things make what they call it chrisianitey looks unmiddeleastern religon (not like how its start).

Western people love beutey thats why they mix there fantasy with our religons (originated in middleeast), for me as a midestrn ill be more prowed if im cheristian becouse when god chose to be a human he chose to be a midestrn man :) ... thats why i feel its also fare to got god servent called santa to be caucasian such cool thing, anyway

I hope u all a nice xmas hollydays. And hope mr. Sandman bring the world a better realitey not just a dream.

Monday, December 8, 2008

From me to Mr President barack Obama - 1

As somone from arab world i like to provide some nots :

Dont play on the politichal tone between palstines and israelies, use racial commons many of israeilies afraid if they show seuse pation to there area origions that they will lose western world support.

Pelave me if the western leave us alone we will fight a little and we will getalong with each other like any other familiy.

We can live with each other becouse arab wold is alredy multi ethnices and color and if any noty member like to back to the club he is welcome we do not need to pretend thats we love each other (like western) we just need to accept each other and dailly deal with each other and thats it all.

Eeach one welcome to call the other with "NAMS" they are welcome for drive jurney from cost to coast and other well get good jobs becouse ashkenazi got good potintials to invest in this vergin land...

i know its looks like dream but its a nation dream ...
and remmber western who maks the holocost (shawa), western who create this proplem and before that we used to live with each other, althogh im sure the west need to keep current situation as it is to drive moslims and jewish both crazy and to make them looks like big brother and use our emotional mistaks aginst us. but i belave obama is difrant or thats what we hope.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Department X

When i watch the ayman al-zawahiri video which talk about Mr. President Barack Obama i remmber some videos for bin laden one asking americans not to vote for Mr.JW Bush and the other asking them or lets say the chongress not to allow the president to increase the militarey expence.

If get a closer look for all thease videos you will find many common things like timing and low qualitey video plus the sted ungel for the video shoter incloding cold face expretions , and what these mean ?

Its clear thats its some kind of reversal schichologey and who ever generate this (fake) digital video hi just know how to manubulate the american peoplation.

american people not need more than few movies to make them change there mind , but who make this one....... i dont know thats why i like to call them Department X.

One more thing there are a tiney possipilitey thats this video may be real in that case i just like to tell them to fuck off becuse i relly beleave that american are alredy moslims they just need time to admit that and when thats start its will looks like falling dominos .

Monday, November 17, 2008

Common Moslims Jewshes facts

Many people thinks that jewshes are more close to christians more than moslim and thats no throw whay ..

1- Jewshe and moslims belave its only one god but jewshes belave its only ther's god but christians thinks there three gods father son and holly ghost as effect of adopting this middeleastern religon on western cultre which belave of multi gods thats why most of jewshe revert to islam and what they and we dont like to speek about is the fact thats the majority of son of israel are moslim now few tribes in arabia and the majoriti in pakistan and india and afghanstan its may surrprise you if you know that taliban and mulla omar there roots are israeili (not the countrey i mean the provet ishaq or izak as you call) and jewshe dont deny that .

2- Jewshe and moslim both got no proplem ..or lets say they be browed to be wariers or brave to fight as a middeleastern root not like other religons whos belave in nigative pease so they fight back and they do not turn the other chek and both belave of law and panishing guilties so ston and eye to eye moslim contenue to use after jewshe get civilized and feel shame of doing god well also the cancel the more than one wife (its so far from "who not saint throw the firest ston") .

3- Both got tow sids for religon (act + spirit) so you may find both got forbiddin food as moslim call it halal or jewsh call it kotcha ..and both do not eat pork as examble or any thing slayed under infedels.

4-Both can understand each other language in mater fact hebrew is just another semitec languge its use same source with arabic as examble you will be supprised if you know thats the word ALLAH which mean god in arabic its the same source with hebrew word (EAL) but as arabic add for knon words the AL letters and both and they the only languges start from wright to left and even letters looks the same with enchent arabic letters beside we both can comunicate using tha same words.

5-Both use the moon calender, bothe use phisichal moves to pray and the hed touch the floor.

6-Both kicked out andulus or spain becuse they help each other in materfact new jewshe they give away a lot of there hiratage just to keep with western civilisation (just like moslim in west now)

and a lot of things common like marred and the pennies upper skin cutting (i dont know what the hill its call in english :) ) and the age of reponsipility and the statue and painting in the praing place ....... a lot of things i even cant write them all here.

So why all proplems wright now is between those ?

Its simple western people use some old farming stratigy .. its call natural anemy and in this case they create this anemy just to limtate islam.

The funny thing is all western countrey using islamic and jewshe rule of serviving.. do you think they will servive till this moment if tey live with piple rules ?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Whats Barack or barak mean in three languages

Barack Obama the new precedent of the whale world ,, What is Barack mean well ..
In Swahili its mean blessed and in Hebrew and as well as some elder Palestine's villagers accent (who's always turn the K to Ch) they used (bracha) for bless also .

Formal Arabic If pennons the name like (burrack) which a common name in some nomads tribes in GCC countries its gonna mean (blesser or the one who's bless surrounding), coz bless in Arabic is (Barack) which also used as a name ..
So three languages (at least) agree that's Barack is about blessing..
And we hope as a part of this world to see some real results of this bless very soon ..
Go Barack Obama .