Many people thinks that jewshes are more close to christians more than moslim and thats no throw whay ..
1- Jewshe and moslims belave its only one god but jewshes belave its only ther's god but christians thinks there three gods father son and holly ghost as effect of adopting this middeleastern religon on western cultre which belave of multi gods thats why most of jewshe revert to islam and what they and we dont like to speek about is the fact thats the majority of son of israel are moslim now few tribes in arabia and the majoriti in pakistan and india and afghanstan its may surrprise you if you know that taliban and mulla omar there roots are israeili (not the countrey i mean the provet ishaq or izak as you call) and jewshe dont deny that .
2- Jewshe and moslim both got no proplem ..or lets say they be browed to be wariers or brave to fight as a middeleastern root not like other religons whos belave in nigative pease so they fight back and they do not turn the other chek and both belave of law and panishing guilties so ston and eye to eye moslim contenue to use after jewshe get civilized and feel shame of doing god well also the cancel the more than one wife (its so far from "who not saint throw the firest ston") .
3- Both got tow sids for religon (act + spirit) so you may find both got forbiddin food as moslim call it halal or jewsh call it kotcha ..and both do not eat pork as examble or any thing slayed under infedels.
4-Both can understand each other language in mater fact hebrew is just another semitec languge its use same source with arabic as examble you will be supprised if you know thats the word ALLAH which mean god in arabic its the same source with hebrew word (EAL) but as arabic add for knon words the AL letters and both and they the only languges start from wright to left and even letters looks the same with enchent arabic letters beside we both can comunicate using tha same words.
5-Both use the moon calender, bothe use phisichal moves to pray and the hed touch the floor.
6-Both kicked out andulus or spain becuse they help each other in materfact new jewshe they give away a lot of there hiratage just to keep with western civilisation (just like moslim in west now)
and a lot of things common like marred and the pennies upper skin cutting (i dont know what the hill its call in english :) ) and the age of reponsipility and the statue and painting in the praing place ....... a lot of things i even cant write them all here.
So why all proplems wright now is between those ?
Its simple western people use some old farming stratigy .. its call natural anemy and in this case they create this anemy just to limtate islam.
The funny thing is all western countrey using islamic and jewshe rule of serviving.. do you think they will servive till this moment if tey live with piple rules ?