Friday, January 16, 2009

Hey Paki , Wat's up Nigga

LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Monday added his voice to those condemning Prince Harry for calling an Asian army colleague a "Paki" but said the royal's apology was genuine and should be accepted.

When you live in other nation and culture see you 2nd class citizen, your mind and action will start to adopt thats feeling about your self and your own people as a result of media education and religon.

I visit wiki to know the origin of word nigga which many people of black community feel aginst it some kind of disrespect or shame ... here what i find (niger is spanech word for balck) more

The funny thing that the street comunity have no proplem to discripe there self with nigga , but it will looks so evencive and shame in the eye of the middle class teachers preasts etic.. why ?

The answer its the resolt of adopting the coucasian aryan mind (education+media+religon).

if you discripe none coucasian-american you just say male tall etc.. but for latino hispanic black you need to difine ... why they dont use (koko-american) for coucasian-americans ?

why they like to make color white looks exclosive a discription for western-coucasian ?

so if you are white arab or white asian they will call you a middle eastern or yellow for asian ! isnt thats look so erigants !

now a stuppid people in UK like to show the word PAKI looks like evensive ! what the fok!!

the guy is pakistani which mean he came form a land called the paki land .. understand!

Is it some kind of clone the amerian model in UK ! ,

so in few years we will find some pakistani high class families tell there childrens (if i heare you say the P word ill wash your mouth with sope )... is thats it ?

i know they sucsess doing thats for non-muslim indians whos now changing there last names to (rodrigas,gonsalis,lopez etc) .. but i belave that paki's got more sharper eye and ...... balder religon :) .

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gratsia Amigos

The last leaders of peace .....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

From me to Mr Obama 2

Its relly unsmart choice if elected prisident Obama commet about current Gaza/Israed conflict , Obama is not Clinton so any thing Obama say even if looks little justfied about middle east they will acuse him for his african part.

All big polititions in america like to commet about things and make it looks like they are relly support israel while in fact they are not .

They just support the unhumanly face of isrel while there are thousends of other israeli just do not agree with that and many of them just mute to not acuse them as nonpatriotic or selfhated .. just like the american model.

If Mr. President Barack Obama like to comment about this cuoz he shold show his simpathey with both parts and not hisitate to show his support for other part of israelies if he say "I support israel by not supporting current leadership whom just make israel looks like cold blod killers " but is there anyone may got the brave to help those silance israeli to speaks out ... we will wait .

since day one of attack its show the weakness of israeli force .. and i know that wasn't a smart thing .. so all extreamance voices in the reagon enjoy watching the israeli failyers after all faliers since 1973... its relly not a smart choice ..

For those israeili whos think they can just use militery force to win i will ask them one question?

What if new tsunami or earthquick or any kind of natural dissaster hits there reagon .. whats its gonna looks like with such bad relations with there nagbors and in some times .. relitaves ?

Those sicko sizens just using you dont you see, they use arab aginst turkish and both arab and turkish aginst kurd and amaziqs then they use Jewish and hindo aginst moslims and use shiaa aginst sunni , they just enjoy to making others fighing there battel i dont know if they are so smart or its just the other nations so dumb !

The fact is angle-sizens do not love jewish .. simpley they just personaly hate moslimes.. (i know israeli know that but they like to enjoy the benevets of thats support like many other countries whom make a nice profet by just not attack israel like jordan and egypt and soon will be siria) .

Any one like to see the proof about what i say about sizens just go and read martin luether and see how he read a lots of debates (moslim/cathlics) and how he just creditise PRVT MOHAMMED saas about the marridge while he know verry will thats that happiet is Jewish roots , he did not create any new cult he just fix cathlicks proplems using moslims/jewish bases ..

please my english can not help me explain other points like blessing marredge, and try to make the three in one ..and a lot of things that moslims debaters were use aginst them ..

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Extraordinary Week Osmani, Asian and Coz's

I remmbar in one lecture i attended few years ago that there some kind of argment happend between tow lecturers about India and China if they able to be one of feutre universal forcess the anser is was clear NO but why ?

The depate start when use eugenics to why Samuel Huntington excloude all other civelisation from the conflect (I remmber considering the nonmoslim Africa in same position as moslim but they exclode it coz of financial reasons ) but for non moslim asian its the opisits the more money asian get the more its going to follow the western lead (as they claims) in other way they saying no way for non moslim asian to be more than economey force and use a lot of broofs and examples to show thir point.

I shocked few days ago when i sow a group of Japanies protestin aginst war ! (thats had happen befor in 70's and early 80's) but to see somthing like this now with this media war and the western bropaghanda ... its just unbelavable as the lecture claimed coz they are nonmoslim they are asians and they got tv in there housess for sure !! so is the world start the new cycle or is it just a false alarm ?

2- I felt so shame about my self when i sow angrey turkish man speeks about his feeling and mention his greate grand fathers the glorey dayes of Osmanies (which we arabs used by the english aginst them and -ercly- the western now using our jewish cozens aginst us) .. Hope all greate nation of TURKE to accept our appolgy to be such untrustworthy.

3- I sow many Jewish speaks out, and protest .. thank you for your human feeling

and remmber there is no altimate frinds or enemy .. about 60 years ago jewish run from Germany to middle east .. and see how its looks like now in Germaney its self ? Just think ...

4- i sow the fucken rsussian and french try to play some rule over here .. im fucken don't like those fuckers and i like to tell them please we are fine .. just keep you'r extra red non english speeking ass out of our conflect.
BTW those cartoons are sox i just use them to attrack you to complate the artcle.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

French Makes Me Sick

Why all stuppied and fag shits got to be french ?

you know french fries, french brid, french chease, french position (for sex).

Why there is no man thing called after the word (french) ! , lets iemagin we ask some one ( what is french bunch ? ) the firest action i expect from any one hear that quastion is laughing.. then he (or she) going to show you a punch with his/shes nails or any fags shit like that.

American if they like you to make any action they just do it with a little promotion (and big big study), they make europian eate with there pair hands the hameburger and enjoy the coke.. they make them know there god again (after we moslims effect american by reversal scichology), and there are more american effcts on europe that i can write with my crible english.

Today i notice thats the biggest french asshole try to get some of international leading leftovers,

and i relly enjoyed Tzipi Livni and all our coz government anser for his sick attendences and i hope thats he and the rest of his sessy nation keep there nose out of what is not of his business middle east can not be out of three Moslims Jewish and Americans ONLY .

French always bussest about there fag culter and more about there sessy made language, they are so sick that they pay a lot of money piging the thired word countries to inclode it with there schools and the other countreies which alredy spered there stuppid languge in they like to make those nation to live in illotion keep them away from this age reallitey.

As example many countreies in africa need food and midicens but the french sick minds send them books and media stations and school to tell them that french seissy language still one of world life language and how is fance strong ... huh

In canada french speeks reagons keep falling down every day and in europe its alredy extinct.

So those sick people like to keep there last teruoturies (africa ) islated of the rest of the world by masking them just like the photo incloded in this article, the hourse just see what the driver wonts... or isnt !!