Its relly unsmart choice if elected prisident Obama commet about current Gaza/Israed conflict , Obama is not Clinton so any thing Obama say even if looks little justfied about middle east they will acuse him for his african part.
All big polititions in america like to commet about things and make it looks like they are relly support israel while in fact they are not .
They just support the unhumanly face of isrel while there are thousends of other israeli just do not agree with that and many of them just mute to not acuse them as nonpatriotic or selfhated .. just like the american model.
If Mr. President Barack Obama like to comment about this cuoz he shold show his simpathey with both parts and not hisitate to show his support for other part of israelies if he say "I support israel by not supporting current leadership whom just make israel looks like cold blod killers " but is there anyone may got the brave to help those silance israeli to speaks out ... we will wait .
since day one of attack its show the weakness of israeli force .. and i know that wasn't a smart thing .. so all extreamance voices in the reagon enjoy watching the israeli failyers after all faliers since 1973... its relly not a smart choice ..
For those israeili whos think they can just use militery force to win i will ask them one question?
What if new tsunami or earthquick or any kind of natural dissaster hits there reagon .. whats its gonna looks like with such bad relations with there nagbors and in some times .. relitaves ?
Those sicko sizens just using you dont you see, they use arab aginst turkish and both arab and turkish aginst kurd and amaziqs then they use Jewish and hindo aginst moslims and use shiaa aginst sunni , they just enjoy to making others fighing there battel i dont know if they are so smart or its just the other nations so dumb !
The fact is angle-sizens do not love jewish .. simpley they just personaly hate moslimes.. (i know israeli know that but they like to enjoy the benevets of thats support like many other countries whom make a nice profet by just not attack israel like jordan and egypt and soon will be siria) .
Any one like to see the proof about what i say about sizens just go and read martin luether and see how he read a lots of debates (moslim/cathlics) and how he just creditise PRVT MOHAMMED saas about the marridge while he know verry will thats that happiet is Jewish roots , he did not create any new cult he just fix cathlicks proplems using moslims/jewish bases ..
please my english can not help me explain other points like blessing marredge, and try to make the three in one ..and a lot of things that moslims debaters were use aginst them ..
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